Mobile Wayfinding Designed for In-Hand Discovery
With our mobile web application or standalone mobile wayfinding experience, available via a QR code scan or text to phone, the Rove iQ experience doesn’t begin and end at the smart kiosk. Our mobile software enables a seamless journey and interactive experience in the palm of your hand.
Rove iQ provides the tools and services to advance your customer’s wayfinding experience. We create customized maps for your venue, city, or property and highlight the locations or tenants that matter to you. Your entire digital network will work together seamlessly across digital directories, smart kiosks, mobile phones, and web pages to provide the best experience for your customers.
With our custom engineered, mobile wayfinding 3D maps, your visitors can take the smart kiosk experience with them on-the-go.
With the ability to discover right on your visitors’ phones, you will be able to provide the quickest and best directions for your customers.
Interactive Digital Maps
From a smart kiosk to now your mobile device, by scanning or sending from our smart kiosk to your phone, your visitors can have an interactive discovery experience with our mobile web 3D interactive wayfinding tools.
Suite of Apps
With dynamic apps on our mobile wayfinding software, visitors will be able to easily locate a variety of property features and enjoy additional entertainment with games, selfies and social media apps.
QR Code Integration
Access via QR code, text to phone or simple links. The application is available to anyone with a browser, no need to download an app. Fully integrated with the kiosk or available as a standalone product.
With customizable user interface, we can build just about anything to bring your unique brand to the mobile wayfinding experience. It’s easy to highlight key interest points, show restrooms, ATMs and amenities.